Great Firewall of China 🔥 Websites Banned in China (2023 Edition)

Websites Banned in China || Updated for 2023

Websites banned in China – the updated list for 2022

Websites Banned in China - Updated for 2019

Want a complete list of all websites blocked in China? Great… So here’s the deal!

It’s no secret that the Great Firewall of China blocks many popular sites used in the Western world, making them difficult/impossible to access without the aid of a VPN.

But which sites exactly are open, and which websites will you need to download a VPN for before coming to China?

We cover a list of the most popular sites and tell you whether they are blocked or readily available in China.

It’s worth noting this can change so be aware of the changes, but we will keep this post up to date so you have the most recent news.

Let’s start with the main websites before going into a big list of websites blocked in China.

Websites Blocked in China || Google

Websites Blocked in China || Facebook

Websites Blocked in China || YouTube

Websites Blocked in China || Instagram

Websites Blocked in China || Twitter

Websites Blocked in China || Whatsapp

Websites Blocked in China || A Full list of Blocked Sites in China

Websites Blocked in China || FAQs

Google in China

Nearly all Google services are blocked in China. This includes Gmail and the ability of using a simple Google search.

If you don’t have a VPN you’ll have to get off Google and make Bing or Yahoo your new home browser! Or, head to the Chinese Google equivalent Baidu for a real Chinese experience.

Some services, however, such as Google Translate, and Google Maps, are unblocked and open for use in China.

This does change often though, so it’s worth trying or getting information from people in China right now if you are not sure.

Although we recommend downloading Baidu maps and using that instead of Google Maps during your time in China, or download Maps.Me for an offline experience.

China Travel Tips - 20 China Hacks You Must Know Thumbnail

China Travel Tips – 20 China Hacks You Must Know

20 China Travel Hacks to Make Your Time in China Super Smooth Need some China travel tips, tricks and hacks to help get by in China? If you’re new around here these China hacks are about to become very helpful!…

Facebook in China

Facebook, just like many other social media sites, is blocked in China.

Instead, Chinese people use the alternative of WeChat (微信 – Wēixìn) to be social, which is widely seen as China’s answer to WhatsApp – but with its social media style “wall” and ability to do almost anything on the app… It’s so much more!

This Chinese app is a completely must-have Chinese app if you’re coming to visit or live in China.

Youtube in China

Youku (优酷 – Yōu kù) is the Chinese version of YouTube and works just like everyone’s favourite video sharing website.

You can upload, watch, comment on, and like various videos.

Of course it’s all in Chinese so brush up on your Chinese skills!

Instagram in China

Chinese social media has various platforms, but there isn’t quite one that rivals Instagram exactly – rather, several.

The video market has hit China big time – with the public no longer entertained by simple pictures.

China loves short Vine-like videos, and live-streaming. A couple of popular video apps are Douyin 抖音 and Kuaishou 快手.

Twitter in China

微博 (Weibo) is China’s answer to the lack of Twitter. Similar to Twitter, users have a limited number of characters to express their opinions and thoughts.

Posts are usually about personal lives, rather than touching on political views and current news.

Whilst Twitter recently extended its character limit to allow for longer tweets Weibo is yet to follow suit.

This Chinese app is a great one to have and a good way to practice your Chinese.

WhatsApp in China

As mentioned above, since WhatsApp is banned in China (and has been for a few years now) China has it’s own version, and in my opinion better version, called WeChat.

On this platform, there are many features that WhatsApp users are missing out on.

Not even touching the fact that you can do your shopping, order a taxi and get a rental bike all from the app…

Websites Blocked in China || List of Sites Banned in China

Sometimes websites get blocked and unblocked. For example, the BBC was banned by China, and then re-instated.

You never quite know!

So, here’s a comprehensive, up-to-date list of all of the websites banned in China.

Updated for 2023

Google services (most Google services)







Pornography sites




The Pirate Bay

Daily Motion

Amazon (Amazon Japan, Amazon Germany)

The New York Times













The Epoch Times

SBS Radio


Le Soir

New Tang Dynasty Television




Strong VPN

Pure VPN

Amnesty International

Radio Australia

Reporters Without Borders

Falun Dafa




VPN Coupons

Elephant VPN

Tibet Post

Viet-Nam California Radio

Australia Tibet Council

Central Tibetan Administration






The Cantonese Independent Magazine


Wall Street Journal




Radio Free Asia

The Economist










Microsoft OneDrive



ABC News



Don’t see the website you’re looking for here?

You can head to this website which offers a handy tool to test if the website you want to access is blocked by the Great Firewall of China or not.

Or, if you’re in China, you can try to access it. If you can’t – it’s probably blocked. Or you need to sort out your WiFi!

Websites Banned in China || FAQs

Is Whatsapp blocked in China?

As of 2020 yes it is, you need a VPN to access WhatsApp in China.

If you cannot use Gmail, what do you recommend?

If you download a VPN you’ll be able to use Gmail but we also recommend have another email account, perhaps with Outlook for example.

Outlook is not banned in China and you’ll be able to access this with no problems.

Do China have their own versions of Social Media?

Yes in most cases they do. For example, Weibo is “China’s Twitter”, WeChat is effectively Facebook and Whatsapp rolled into one.

YouTube is replaced with YouKu.

In a lots of instances social media in China completely differs from western social media.

Has the BBC ever been blocked in China?

Yes it has.

Some websites tend to go through phases of being blocked and not blocked.

This can change at any time.

Is Wikipedia blocked in China?

As of 2020 Wikipedia is currently blocked in China.

Can I access my iTunes Apple Store in China?

Yes you can, there have been no such issues with this to date.

What is the alternative to Google in China?

You can use Bing which is not blocked in China, or for a more immersive experience, use the “China Google”, Baidu.

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  1. Kollab

    I thought Wikipedia and Aljazeera are also banned in the PRC, aren’t they?

    1. LTL Team HQ

      Wikipedia isn’t but I believe Al Jazeera has been on and off. As of now, it’s banned but these things always change in China!

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    […] 73. A law passed in 2013 says children must ‘visit their parents‘ if they’re over the age of 60. No one has been fined yet by this law. 74. All pandas are the property of China. Any panda in another country is on loan from China. 75. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google and lots of other websites are blocked in China. […]

  4. … [Trackback]

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  5. Is wikipedia banned in china?

    1. LTL Team HQ

      Currently yes it is Will.

      The situation does change all the time though


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    […] you can and a VPN is needed if you wish to access all the blocked websites in China such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram […]

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    […] {"@context":"","@graph":[{"@type":"WebSite","@id":"","url":"","name":"LTL Shanghai Mandarin School","potentialAction":{"@type":"SearchAction","target":"{search_term_string}","query-input":"required name=search_term_string"}},{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"","url":"","width":5133,"height":3422,"caption":"Chinese Netflix"},{"@type":["WebPage","FAQPage"],"@id":"","url":"","inLanguage":"en-US","name":"Chinese Movies Online – Ultimate List of Chinese Streaming Sites","isPartOf":{"@id":""},"primaryImageOfPage":{"@id":""},"datePublished":"2019-05-30T03:17:20+00:00","dateModified":"2019-09-10T04:49:35+00:00","author":{"@id":""},"description":"Find all the Chinese Movies Online and Chinese TV Shows you'll ever need with Chinese Netflix and Chinese YouTube sites with LTL's list of Chinese streaming"},{"@type":["Person"],"@id":"","name":"Campbell Alizzi","image":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"","url":"","caption":"Campbell Alizzi"},"description":"moved to Beijing in 2016 to become an English teacher. Today he works in the Marketing team for LTL Mandarin School. He loves travel, videography and coffee.","sameAs":[]},[{"@type":"ItemList","mainEntityOfPage":{"@id":""},"numberOfItems":4,"itemListElement":[{"@id":""},{"@id":""},{"@id":""}]}],{"@type":"Question","@id":"","position":0,"url":"","name":"Can I watch YouTube in China?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You can but you need to use a VPN to access it."}},{"@type":"Question","@id":"","position":1,"url":"","name":"Why do I need to use a VPN to access YouTube?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"YouTube is banned in China, amongst a number of other popular social media websites. Therefore, the only way to access these is by using a VPN.Here is a full list of banned websites in China."}},{"@type":"Question","@id":"","position":2,"url":"","name":"What is the Chinese version of YouTube?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"China has it's own version of YouTube which is called YouKu (u4f18u9177 yu014du ku00f9)."}}]} […]

  9. Thanks for sharing, useful list

    1. LTL Team HQ

      Our pleasure Reg.


  10. 100 Utterly Mindblowing Facts About China - See It To Believe It

    […] 75. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google and lots of other websites are blocked in China. […]

  11. Umberto

    With VPN’s doesn’t really make a difference .

    1. Max Hobbs

      Very true, lucky to have a solution for sure!

  12. is avatar banned in china - seekanswer

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