How to Say Virus in Chinese 🤒 LTL’s Guide to Talking About Your Health
Essential Vocabulary for talking about Viruses in Chinese
If you’ve wanted to know “How to say virus in Chinese” or to be able to talk about other health related problems then we’re here to help.
Being able to talk about your health and symptoms is definitely an important if you’re living in China.
Whether it’s just a small problem like asking for medicine for a headache or something a bit more serious it’s good to know how to describe your symptoms and also know some of the more technical language.
Virus in Chinese || Going to a Doctor/Pharmacy
Virus in Chinese || Symptoms
Virus in Chinese || Technical Vocabulary
Virus in Chinese || Types of Illness
Virus in Chinese || Keeping Hygenic
Virus in Chinese || FAQs
Virus in Chinese || Going to a Doctor or pharmacy
First of all, here is some basic vocabulary to get you started:
- Hospital 医院 yīyuàn
- Doctor 医生 yīshēng
- Nurse 护士 hùshì
- Pharmacy 药店 yàodiàn
- Pharmacist 药剂师 yàojì shī
- Medicine 药 yào

Along with these here are some key basic phrases:
Please take me to the hospital. 请带我去医院。Qǐng dài wǒ qù yīyuàn.
How can I get to the hospital by bus? 去医院要坐哪一路公交?Qù yīyuàn yào zuò nǎ yīlù gōngjiāo?
Where is the nearest hospital? 最近的医院在哪里? zuìjìn de yīyuàn zài nǎlǐ
I need to see a doctor 我需要看医生 wŏ xūyào kān yīshēng
You should go and see a doctor. 你应该去看医生。Nǐ yīnggāi qù kàn yīshēng.
Where can I buy some medicine? 我到哪里可以买些药? Wǒ dào nǎlǐ kěyǐ mǎi xiē yào?

These are available from a pharmacist. 这些可从一药剂师得到。 Zhèxiē kě cóng yī yàojì shī dédào.
Have you taken any medicine? 你吃过药了吗?Nǐ chī yàole ma?
How much of the medicine do I take each time? 这药我每次吃多少?Zhè yào wǒ měi cì chī duōshǎo?
Virus in Chinese || Symptoms
Now, if you do go to the hospital or pharmacy it’s important to actually be able to communicate how it is you’re feeling.
You definitely don’t want to end up being given the wrong medicine!
Below, we’ve put together some vocabulary and phrases for some common symptoms.
Symptom is 症状 zhèngzhuàng
What symptoms do you have? 你有什么症状? Nǐ yǒu shénme zhèngzhuàng?
- Unwell/Uncomfortable 不舒服 bù shūfu
- I’m not feeling well 我身体不舒服 Wǒ shēntǐ bú shūfú
- What is bothering you/Where does it hurt? 你哪里不舒服? Nǐ nǎlǐ bú shūfú?
Ill is 生病 shēngbìng
I’m ill, I can’t go to work. 我生病了,不能去上班了 Wǒ shēngbìngle, bùnéng qù shàngbānle
- Fever 发烧 fā shāo zhuangzheng
- I have a little bit of a fever 我有一点发烧了 Wǒ yǒu yīdiǎn fāshāole
Headache is 头疼 tóuténg
I have a headache 我有点儿头疼 Wǒ yóu diǎnr tóuténg

- Stomachache 胃疼 wèi téng
- Yesterday I had a bad stomach ache 昨天我胃疼 Zuótiān wǒ wèi téng
Sore throat is 嗓子疼 săngzi téng
Today my throat hurts 我今天嗓子疼 wǒ jīntiān sǎngzi téng
You’ll see a pattern here of using the word 疼 téng which means to ache or have pain.
In some parts of China, more commonly the south and Taiwan, they will use the word 痛 tòng instead so that’s one thing to watch out for.
Sneeze 喷嚏 pēntì
I’ve been sneezing all day. 我打了一整天喷嚏。Wǒ dǎle yī zhěng tiān pēntì.
Runny nose 流鼻涕 liú bítì
I’ve caught a cold. I have a headache, my nose is running. 我感冒了,头疼,流鼻涕。wǒ gǎnmào le,tóuténg,liú bítì。
Dizzy 头晕 tóu yūn
I feel dizzy, I must sit down. 我觉得头晕,得坐下来 wǒ juédé tóuyūn, dé zuò xiàlái
Cough 咳嗽 ké sòu
Ask the doctor to prescribe something for that cough. 请医生开点咳嗽药 Qǐng yīshēng kāi diǎn késòu yào
Nausea 恶心 ěxīn
I don’t want to eat anything, I feel a bit nauseous. 我什么也不想吃,我有点儿恶心。Wǒ shénme yě bùxiǎng chī, wǒ yǒudiǎn er ěxīn.

Vomit 呕吐 ǒu tù
The symptoms of this disease are fever and sickness.这种病的症状是发烧与呕吐。Zhè zhǒng bìng de zhèngzhuàng shì fāshāo yǔ ǒutù.
Diarrhea 拉肚子 lā dùzi
We’re both vomiting and have diarrhea. We definitely got food poisoning.我们俩都呕吐,拉肚子。肯定是食物中毒了。wǒmen liǎ dōu ǒutù,lā dùzi。kěndìng shì shíwù zhòngdú le。

23 Alternate (and Amazing) Ways to Say Thank You in Chinese
Thank You in Chinese is 谢谢 // It’s great to understand different ways to thank someone, there are always different contexts, formal or informal etc.
Virus in Chinese || Technical Vocab
Along with the basic vocabulary you might also want to know a few more technical words.
Here are some of the most helpful to know when going to a pharmacy or hospital:
English | Hanzi | Pinyin |
Antibiotics | 抗生素 | kàngshēngsù |
Cough syrup | 止咳糖浆 | zhǐké tángjiāng |
Temperature | 体温 | tǐwēn |
Thermometer | 体温计 | tǐwēnjì |
Needle | 针 | zhēn |
Give an injection | 打针 | dǎzhēn |
Vaccine | 疫苗 | yìmiáo |
Medical Check-up | 检查身体 | jiǎnchá shēntǐ |
Blood test | 验血 | yànxuè |

Have a look below for some example sentences of how some of these words are used:
I’ll give you some cough medicine and some antibiotic pills. 我给开点咳嗽药和一些抗生素药丸。Wǒ gěi kāi diǎn késòu yào hé yīxiē kàngshēngsù yàowán.
Here’s a thermometer. First, we’ll take your temperature. 给你体温计,先量一下体温。gěi nǐ tǐwēnjì,xiān liáng yīxià tǐwēn.
This vaccine will give you immunity for two years. 接种这种疫苗可有两年免疫力。Jiēzhǒng zhè zhǒng yìmiáo kě yǒu liǎng nián miǎnyì lì.
You should go get a physical examination from a doctor. 您应该让医生给您检查身体。Nín yīnggāi ràng yīshēng gěi nín jiǎnchá shēntǐ.

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Virus in Chinese || Types of Illness
Of course, it’s all well and good being able to describe your symptoms in Chinese but you’ll also need to know what illness you might actually have.
We’ve translated some of the most common illnesses for you. We’re sure that the only one you’ll actually need to use is I have a cold!
- Virus 病毒 bìngdú
- Coronavirus 冠状病毒 Guānzhuàng bìngdú
- Flu 流感 liúgǎn
- Cold 感冒 gǎnmào
- Pneumonia 肺炎 fèiyán
- Infection 感染 gǎnrǎn
- Chest infection 胸部感染 Xiōngbù gǎnrǎn
- Allergy 过敏 guòmǐn
- Asthma 哮喘 xiàochuǎn
- Food poisoning 食物中毒 shíwù zhòngdú

Virus in Chinese || Keeping Hygienic
When there is the danger of a virus about, it’s of course vital to try to be as hygienic as possible.
Here is some useful vocab that should help keep you safe!
English | Hanzi | Pinyin |
Hygiene | 卫生 | wèishēng |
Face Mask | 口罩 | kǒuzhào |
Wear Mask | 戴口罩 | dài kǒuzhào |
Soap | 肥皂 | féizào |
Liquid hand soap | 洗手液 | xǐshǒu yè |
Wash hands | 洗手 | xǐshǒu |
Tissue | 纸巾 | zhǐjīn |

Virus in Chinese || FAQs
How do you say Coronavirus in Chinese?
Coronavirus in Chinese is 冠状病毒 Guānzhuàng bìngdú
How do you say Facemask in Chinese?
Face mask in Chinese is 口罩 kǒuzhào.
How do you say “I am ill” in Chinese?
I am ill in Chinese is 我生病了 Wǒ shēngbìng le.
How do you say Doctor in Chinese?
Doctor in Chinese is 医生 yīshēng.
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How do you say temperature in Chinese?
Hi Evie,
Temperature in Chinese when referring to your body temperature is 体温 tǐwēn. To take somebody’s temperature is 量体温 liáng tǐwēn. Hope that helps!
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Great rundown of very relevant words right now!
Thanks Al
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