What is The Best University for International Students || Peking University vs Tsinghua University
What is the Best University for International Students? || Battle of the Beijing Titans
Quite a lot of students choose Beijing for their studies and no wonder!

Beijing is home to several prestigious universities, including the famous Peking University and Tsinghua University, but when it really comes down to it, which university is the best?
Whether you’re a potential international student, an upcoming exchange student or simply curious, it’s always a good idea to be well-informed so that you can make the best choice!
Let’s explore the possibilities!
Peking vs Tsinghua || Peking
Peking vs Tsinghua || Tsinghua
Peking vs Tsinghua || Pros/Cons
Peking vs Tsinghua || The Verdict
Peking vs Tsinghua || FAQs
If you aren’t overly familiar with China’s education system, don’t worry! Check out our Chinese universities post for more detailed information.
Peking University
Peking University, also known as 北京大学 (běijīng dàxué) is a public research university located in the cultural capital of China, the bustling city of Beijing.
One of the top 20 universities in the world and home to over 40,000 students, Peking University is a well-respected and a highly regarded university.
With over 30 different schools and 12 departments, there are more than enough study fields to suit everyone’s needs and interests.
From Humanities and Social Sciences to Information and Engineering and Interdisciplinary programmes, Peking University has quite a wide range of study fields.
No wonder it’s considered by many to be the “Harvard of China”!
NOTE | Due to it’s high status Peking University’s acceptance rate is extremely low for domestic students – only 1%!
Slightly better news for international students, with Peking University’s foreign student acceptance rate being around 15%, and even higher for international students applying for a Chinese language program or degree.

Still quite a challenge to get into Peking University, but not impossible!
Considering that Peking ranks quite high in terms of academic performance, it’s no wonder the competition is so intense!
Fierce competition and high academic standards aside, Peking University’s campus makes all the hard work worth it as it’s truly one of a kind.
Peking University is famously home to the Boya Pagoda 北京大学博雅塔 (běijīng dàxué bóyǎ tǎ), a 13-story 37-meter high feat of architecture, which is quite a popular scenic spot.

Aside from the beautiful scenery and gorgeous architecture, Peking University’s campus also has a huge variety of shops; from telecommunications stores to banks, you’re sure to be covered!
If not, then you can always take advantage of Beijing’s well developed public transport system to take you to your intended destination.
You can rent a bike to get around your campus, take the metro, hop on a train for an exciting day out to Shanghai or grab a taxi to avoid the rush hour; the possibilities are endless!
Another important factor that has many students concerned is the tuition fees.
Peking University offers undergraduate degrees approximately at $4,000-$4,600 per year, masters degrees at $4,500-$5,100 and doctorate degrees at $5,000-$6,200.
Considering Harvard’s whooping fees of over $50,000 per year and Oxford’s $32,800-$45,900 annual rates, Peking University is in a similar league with these universities but at a much more affordable rate for international students.
Now that we know a little bit more about Peking University, let’s go check out what Tsinghua University is all about.
DID YOU KNOW – Beijing is considered to be one of the best cities for students, both local and international alike.

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Tsinghua University
Tsinghua University 清华大学 (qīnghuá dàxué), also one of the top 20 univerisites in the world, is home to over 50,000 students and numerous beautiful landmarks.
Referred to as the “MIT of China”, Tsinghua University has over 57 departments and 50 bachelor degrees ranging from medicine to art, with a truly varied selection of studies for you to pick from.
GOOD NEWS || The average acceptance rate for international students is around 30%, and a whooping 80% for students planning to study a Chinese language program!

Cost-wise the tuition fees are quite similar to Peking University’s from $3,770-$5,811 for an undegraduate degree.
Just like it’s counterpart, Tsinghua’s campus is also quite breathtakingly stunning and no wonder!
Being noted as “one of the world’s most beautiful college campus” by Forbes in 2010, Tsinghua University can proudly claim this title due to its unique architecture and gorgeous gardens.
Tsinghua University’s Second Gate is one of the most scenic spots on campus, with a rich and tumultuous history dating back to the Qing Dynasty!

Historical architecture and stunning scenery aside, Tsinghua also has quite a lot of facilities avaliable.
From tennis courts and swimming pools to cute coffee shops and convenience stores, Tsinghua has pretty much everything you could need within a short distance.
Now that we’ve had a quick overview of both of these fantastic universities, let’s boil it down to the main factors.
Pros and Cons
It may seem easy, but there are quite a few important factors to consider when choosing the right university for you, so let’s dive straight into it.
The admission rate of 30% gives Tsinghua University a significant advantage, although if the acceptance rate doesn’t worry you, then either of these universities would be a great choice.
As mentioned before, Beijing has a fantastic transportation system, so both Tsinghua and Peking are quite simple to reach.
Both universities are around 1 hour away from the main airports and are quite close to metro stations, so travel-wise both universities work out great.
Another important factor to consider is your cost of living.
Overall, Beijing is one of the more expensive cities in China to live in, but compared to other bustling western cities, the cost of living is quite affordable.
NOTE | When choosing your accomodation, it’s important to consider the cost as renting in Beijing can get quite pricey!
The university fees aren’t very different, ranging from $3700- $6200 per year, but it’s important to note that an extra thousand can have quite an impact on your budget, so you should plan accordingly.
Let’s summarize the main noteworthy advantages and disadvantages of both universities.
Peking | Tsinghua |
Slightly higher tuition fees | Slightly cheaper fees |
Higher subject rankings | Higher university ranking |
Better for humanities | Better for engineering |
Known as the “Harvard of China” | Referred to as the “MIT of China” |
Lower acceptance rate | Higher acceptance rate |
The Verdict
Considering that both of these universities are among the best ones in China, it’s difficult to truly decide which one is the best.
Overall, both universities offer high quailty of education, although depending on what subject you wish to study, one might be a stronger choice.
Engineering students may be slightly better suited to Tsinghua, whereas humanities students could benefit more from Peking University.
For university rankings and fees Tsinghua probably wins the round, while in the subject ranking category Peking University gets the prize.
However, don’t let the rankings influence you too much!
Both are located in an amazing, affordable city with tasty food and good transport links.
Both universities have a solid reputation and provide a great quality of education, so ultimately it’s up to you to decide which uni is the best for you!

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Peking vs Tsinghua || FAQs
Is Tsinghua or Peking better?
Both universities are really good!
Depending on the subject you want to study, one of the universities may be a better choice.
What are the admission rates for Tsinghua and Peking?
The average acceptance rate is 15% for international students in Peking and 30% for a non-language degree in Tsinghua.
Are the tuition fees expensive?
The fees range from $3700- $6200, which when compared to western universities are much cheaper.
Are universities or private language schools better to learn Chinese?
That depends on a lot of factors, including your language goals and learning style. Take a look at our comparison guide here to help you make an informed decision!
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